• Do you need calm? lower your anxiety? Be emotionally healthy?

    Find your inner peace?

    Do you yearn to be more patient and kind to your loved ones?

    You've come to the right place. This is a community of love, patience, calm, empathy, and tools to equip you to radiate you truest self and do it with joy and calm. No more screaming because you are always at an anxiety level of 9 or 10. No more punishing yourself with negative thoughts.

    No more feeling like the giant pile of obligations you carry is going to drop.

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    Return to Calm Monthly Self Care Booklet

    As a mom, entrepreneur and human on this planet, I desire most is calm and feeling grounded and living in alignment with my truest self. This Booklet allows you to do just that! There are a few bonus parenting tool pages in the end for those who have children like I do. This month's theme is Inclusivity. AND it is a pay what you wish donation. All proceeds will go to the creation of Ziggy's Quest World. A whole new social emotional learning world for kids ages 4-10 based on my children's book Ziggy's Quest coming soon!

  • Guided meditation audio gift




    Apple Podcast


    Podcast to discuss ways to find inner peace and calm in our lives.

    The show includes inspiring quotes, thoughts, interviews, music, and guided journal times.

    Bonus episodes feature FREE GUIDED MEDITATIONS

  • Grab a tea and cozy up with your

    journal and listen.


    Contest May 1 -30 . Enter to win a FREE Return to Calm mug, when you rate and review the podcast. For adtl entries share the podcast on your social media and tag me. ig @return.to.calm

    *private message me when you rate or review so I can enter you in drawing!

    Return to Calm Facebook Group

  • Meet Tiffany Lee Ann

    I've always loved self help, to journal, and spiritual rituals. Out of my pain and through my healing I have dreamed of nurturing others empathically on a whole other dimension.

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    from California

    I started Return to Calm in our home during the momentous Stay at Home order, Covid 19 March 2020. Upon leaving a toxic relationship and having a real spiritual awakening with dark mist and shadow person stalking me on my exit and after 8 years of real deep soul searching. I have found my way to inner peace and found spiritual journey to be filled with interesting people, resources, and teachers.

    I've been called the guru of guru's. I plan to bring you the guru's and orchestrate online events where we can continue to find restoration, peace and calm during this Global spiritual awakening.



    Guided meditations and podcasts are free to download on podcast and are available with loads more resources in our Return to Calm free Facebook Group

  • Go deeper with me... The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    I started this podcast at the beginning of the Corona Virus Pandemic and my very first episode is Thank you Corona Virus. It has been difficult through this "Wellness Retreat" journey, I am certainly not going to sugar coat it. ... I have been up, and down, doubtful, fearful, over it, and tired...
  • Tools Preview

    I've created my own version of Age old meditations and tools for you to be CALM.

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    Ho oponopono Prayer

    Click Image

    Return to gratitude: This Prayer aligns you thoughts and intentions and brings your into a state of calm and gratitude. When you are in a state of gratitude magical things can happen and you attract what you desire while being grateful and content. Practice this prayer daily to alter your life for good.

    Bonus Guided Meditations included this month in podcast

    Grounding Meditation

    Click Image

    Return to calm: Use this meditation for calming your nerves. This whole world is made up of energy and so are we. To calm yourself and detract negative and anxious energy from the world use this meditation. If you are empathic or intuitive and experience big feelings often, this is for you! You need to anchor into mother Earth and safeguard yourself with this Grounding Meditation.