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Thank you Corona Virus

Episode 1

I started this podcast at the beginning of the Corona Virus Pandemic and my very first episode is Thank you Corona Virus.

It has been difficult through this "Wellness Retreat" journey, I am certainly not going to sugar coat it. ... I have been up, and down, doubtful, fearful, over it, and tired of seeing hatred in actions of some people. But I also love seeing the kind deeds and help people have joined together and organizations to provide food drives. And even in my own family we group text each other photos of our day on a daily basis. My father in law gave us food from a food bank he went to when we didn't event need it. It was so nice to know he was making sure we were provided for.
See this isn't my husband's family's first traumatic experience. They fled the night before the fall of Saigon onto a boat that was out of service and it started leaking and by the grace of the Divine a US Marine carrier rescued them and took them to a refugee camp on a base in Guam. Then they made it to Pennsylvania. The land of the free and a rest for the weary, that is what our country is founded on.
I on the other hand have perspective only vicariously because I personally have not endured any hardship, war, or a Pandemic until now. And yet being connected to my inner self and feeling grounded I am still in a state of gratitude through this.
At times during this Pandemic when seeing such sad cases of death, separation etc I have felt guilty about being grateful and creating a podcast that shares how I am grateful. But then my intuition reminds me that there can be no room for negativity and guilt. The world needs the positive and gratitude to come through this transformed.
On that note, take a listen.
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Post in the comments what your inner self's perspective is on this global pandemic. No judgement, just remember no hating content.